This afternoon we are going to dismantle and pick up this little fixer upper.
I feel that the add should have read handyman's delight" but instead it said "free"
We do have in our backyard cubby house attached to the swing set which we have done a bit of work on to make suitable for the grand daughters but it is far to small so it was decided to attempt this project.
It should give them their own space and it has a door so Piper the dog can be shut out
It should give them their own space and it has a door so Piper the dog can be shut out
The cubby does need a bit of work . It needs a base to sit on , a new floor , a coat of paint and it will be perfect
There has been a couple of bloggers I follow that they have done up cubby house & they have given me many ideas
1) In this one I love the chandelier, it has follow them in their house moves
2)this lady lives in NZ , my birth country and the cubby is adorable . I love how it is staged for the photos , it is so cute
Not sure yet how our the completed cubby will look but I have ideas
Not sure yet how our the completed cubby will look but I have ideas
- walls to be green ,
- hand painted flowers
- ,Olivia said we have to have curtains
- some sort of quirky light .
So this is the area it is going in , the garden on the right will be have to be shorter and the flower box will come of and go on the new cubby .
Watch this space for further developments